Bridgewater UMC E-Blast - Friday, March 28, 2025
"Sustain in me a willing spirit." All of Psalm 51 is very worth deep reflection and this line is quite a prayer in itself. Maybe you knew I was going to write about this this week... Let me tell you about my joy! I have adopted two two-month old kittens - Birch and Juniper. They were found by Scott Ridder at Dogwood Mountain Log Homes on Valentine's Day. Cat's Cradle fostered them until they came to their furever home with me on Thurrrsday. I'm so excited. I'm writing this on Friday, so after one night we are all doing fine.
I'm writing about this to share my joy but also because these two little creatures are already showing their will. Birch is the one that meets me at the door when I open it, Juniper is willing to let him make sure that it's safe and then come out. We have already had conversations like, "Please don't hurt each other on the very first day!" and "Why is his foot in your mouth?" They have been determined to jump up on the window sill and look out. Each of them has a unique willing spirit.
In the Disciple's Path study, I was reminded of this analogy of growing spirituality. When we go to the doctor, we want the doctor to tell us what we can do to be more healthy. The doctor might tell us to eat better, exercise more, go have certain tests, take a medicine that we might need. And we might leave there thinking "I want to be healthier..." but if we aren't willing to do the things that the doc says to take steps in the right direction, we won't experience any change.
It's similar when we pray this prayer, we can ask God to work on us, but if we aren't willing for God to create us new and restore the joy of our salvation through prayer, study, worship, service, giving and sharing with others then we are just holding a prescription.... It's pretty amazing that David included a prayer for a willing spirit. And prays for it to be sustained so that it will go on and on...
Grace & Peace & Joy to you... even in this season of Lent! Pastor Mary
Please continue to share the good news that our worship time is at 10 AM. Keep inviting friends & neighbors to Sunday School at 9 AM & joyful, meaningful worship at 10 AM!
Welcome Welcome Welcome & Congratulations to our Newest Members!
Last Sunday we received five people as "official" members of our congregation. Please make sure to welcome them and get to know them! They are: Joey Capuano, Casey Hartman, Claude Martell, and Rex and Ruth Peters. We are so glad you said "yes" to God and "yes" to BUMC!
Sundays in Lent at 11:15 AM - New Bible Study Opportunity! MARK: The Fastest Gospel - Rev. Jim Tongue will be leading a Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark starting. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall for one-half hour every Sunday 11:15 - 11:45 AM. One of Mark's favorite words is "Immediately," so the Bible Study will start "immediately after worship" and continue for 6 weeks through the season of Lent. No sign up needed, just join us. If you want to "read ahead" read through Mark's Gospel in your Bible.
HUGE Thanks to Children's Ministry and Educate & Equip for our Intergenerational Sunday School Sunday, March 16th. I hope you learned something new or had a good conversation. We have clover plants available for adoption if you would like one! May the road rise to meet you... may the wind be always at your back... and may God hold you in the palm of his hand!
Let's grow together in 2025! Blessings, Pastor Mary
Men's Prayer Breakfast TOMORROW Saturday, March 29 8:30 AM! Our guest speaker will be Rev. Jim Tongue who will speak on "The Town and Country Church." Please bring a breakfast food to share and a friend!! RSVPs are helpful so we know who to look for! Sign up on the sheet in the breezeway, calling or emailing the office at 540-828-0890 or or just come!
Joys and answered prayers
Thank you God for the love of Jesus, our church, our family and our friends
We give thanks for God's grace and mercy
Prayers of sympathy for the family of:
Dan Brubaker (Lynn Brubaker's father, Lindsay Robinson's grandfather)
Joann Fisher
Current Prayer Concerns
For the people affected by natural disasters - the CA, SC, NC fires, hurricane floods in NC and other states, and tornados.
For our nation, the decisions of the new administration, congress and the courts; and may God bless America
For peace in Ukraine and the Middle East and for all of the people living there
May there be peace on earth, and may it begin with us
For Bridgewater UMC - for growth in spirit and faith
For all of the active duty members of our armed forces, for veterans and for our first responders
Our children and grandchildren and our families and friends
For college, high school, middle school and elementary students - for their learning and grades
For better health and more strength. For successful medical treatments
For patience. For strength to spread the gospel even when it's hard
Help us to put God first in everything we do
Those who think that God has deserted them in the midst of today's world circumstances
For people and families dealing with depression and anxiety, with mental illness and with addiction
For less death in our family, for peace and grace in facing grief and loss
Bridgewater firefighter
those who are mourning or afraid and for all those fighting cancer
Janie Abbott (Judy Tongue's sister)
Donald Brownlee, Jr.
Gregg Kiracofe
Stephany Plecker
Sandra Stroud
Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation
Georgia Lee Byerly
Don Capuano
Grace Fishback
Betty Foley
Mary Glover
Henry and Dorice Graham
Janice Harper
Casey Hartman
Rodney Hildebrand
Deidra Hill
Barbara Kiracofe
Dorothy Lion
Doris MacDaniel
Ray Michael
Shirley Michael
Luther Ramsey
Joanne Simpkins
Bonnie Snook
Vic Taylor
Nancy Thomas
Gary and Marcia Tyeryar
Donald Usry
Worship Volunteers for this Sunday, March 30 (5th Sun)
Greeters Kari Palmer & Karen Chamblee
Ushers Paul & Johna McFarland
Reader Joey Capuano
Audio-Visual Sam Briggs
Acolytes Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson
Sanctuary Servers Sue Rexrode
Easter Candy Donations Needed Would you be willing to donate a bag or two of individually wrapped Easter candy for our Easter Egg hunt on April 13th? We are in need of donations to fill Easter eggs for the kids. There is a bin on the shelf under the quilts! Thanks you for your help! Questions? Contact Joey Capuano
Thank you from the Bridgewater Interchurch Food Pantry: On behalf of the recipients and volunteers of the food pantry we thank you for your faithful, continuing and amazing support this past year. Your congregation has really made a difference through your regular and special food drives, Children's Christmas Gift Bags, and financial contributions. As needs for food assistance continue to increase in our area, your help truly makes a difference for the families in need. The Food Pantry could not provide this assistance without the support of our area's churches, businesses, civic organizations, and caring individuals. Thank you.
Thank you from Becky Downey: A heartfelt thank you for the many cards and calls during the recent loss of my fiancé, Mark Lotts. I felt your compassion, concern and prayers.
Lost & Found - Are these yours? :)
We have some items which have been found around the church which could be picked up by their owners. Aside from what's pictured below, Mary has a set of two keys (maybe a house key?) and there are several umbrellas, a glove, and a sweater on the coat rack. Please reclaim any items which are yours.
Youth Group Announcement: Bowling, Games & Devotion at Ruby's Arcade! 
Hey Bridgewater/Dayton UMC Youth!
Get ready for an awesome evening of fun and fellowship! Join us for Bowling, Games, and Devotion at Ruby's Arcade in Harrisonburg, VA on Thursday, April 3rd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Here’s what you need to know:
- When: Thursday, April 3rd, 6 PM – 8 PM
- Where: Ruby's Arcade, Harrisonburg, VA
- Cost: $10 (covers all activities & food)
- Food: Yummy food will be provided!
- Friends: Bring your friends—teens are welcome to join for FREE!
We’ll have a blast bowling, playing games, and finishing up with a time of devotion and reflection.
Don't miss out—it's going to be a great time of fun, food, and faith!   
Zoom Check-in Every Sunday at 7 PM
Don't forget our check-in Sunday evenings at 7 PM. Contact Jomo if you need the link!
Blessings, Jomo Johnson (240) 328-5847
Hi, BUMC kiddos, friends, and families!
Children's Choir Practice for Palm Sunday continues this Sunday, from 9:30 - 9:45 AM in the choir room. These practices will be every Sunday from now until Palm Sunday, April 13, so even if you can't come for certain weeks, we invite you to come whenever you can! All Children are welcome!
April - An AWESOME month!
1.) Sun, April 13 Palm Sunday Service The children will be participating in the palm Procession and singing with the adult choir with songs where we can proclaim Hosanna!
2.) Also Sun, April 13 - Easter Egg Hunt & BUMC Community Potluck Dinner at Oakdale Park - At 4:00 PM on Palm Sunday afternoon, all children are invited to Oakdale Park (shelter # TBD) for a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt! The DUMBUM Youth Group will be hiding these goodies, so we know there will be good hiding places! - At 5:00 PM, following the Easter Egg Hunt (shelter #3), all BUMC community members, friends, and family are invited to our Pre - Easter Potluck Dinner. This will be such a fun way to start out our spring break for Rockingham County Public School kiddos and families, and we just want a way to celebrate Easter together. this way, families can celebrate Easter as a Church and then be free to travel and / or celebrate the actual Easter weekend in their own ways. We will invite all community members to bring a dish / food / beverage item to share!
May: Sunday, May 11: Mother's Day Service
- Be on the lookout for plans for our Mother's Day Service, where children will get to play an important role, including in Music!
As Pastor Mary always says, GOD IS GOOD! Lets continue to share THIS MOST AWESOME TRUTH with all the world!
If you would like any additional information about things, contact Joey via email at, by phone at (540) 421-4169, or through our Group Me app. You can also ask to be included in our Group Me app if you aren't already!
As always, your friend in Faith, Hope, and Love, Joey
Faithfully Embracing Autism featuring Alexandra Jackman Join Faithfully Embracing Autism on Saturday, April 5, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Calvary Stuarts Draft. This special event will feature Alexandra Jackman, a passionate advocate and public speaker, in a TED Talk-style conversation with Shannon White, a local adult with autism and a graduate of Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center. The discussion will be followed by a keynote presentation on how churches, communities, and workplaces can more faithfully embrace and honor individuals with autism. At the heart of Alexandra’s message is this powerful belief: people are worth it. As a church, we share that belief and are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive community for everyone. This event will offer meaningful insights and practical ways we can continue that mission together.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, April 5
Time: 8 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Location: Calvary Stuarts Draft If you need assistance with registration, contact Robin Barge at or 540-989-3335.
Chordially Yours of the Shenandoah Valley, a 30-member professional choir under the direction of artistic director Scott Zane Smith, presents their spring concert, “It’s a Lovely Day” on Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-11, at Linville Creek Church of the Brethren in Broadway. Our one-hour concert consists of sacred and secular music, with many familiar tunes. We will also be featuring guest artists Leslie Bradley Alger Celebrate Mother’s Day with us! Saturday, May 10 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 11 at 3 p.m. For more information, find us on Facebook, @ Chordially Yours of the Shenandoah Valley.
The Acton Children's Business Fair is on Saturday May 17th at 9 AM - 1PM at Milmont Greenhouses in Waynesboro. This is a great opportunity for kids (ages 6-14) to create a product, develop a brand, and experience being an entrepreneur for a day. Attendees can support young entrepreneurs and find unique gifts at this open-air market. The event is free. For further information brochures are available under the BUMC Kids bulletin board.
Relay For Life of the American Cancer Society is coming up. Funds raised support cancer research and services for patients with cancer and their loved ones. This year's theme for our local Relay For Life is Carnival for a Cure. For more information about what Relay For Life is and how you can get involved contact Robin in the office.
There are many activities through the evening at Relay For Life. The various teams may have games and fundraisers at their sites; carnival games, children's activities, vendors and food will be available. See below for events which will be occurring on the centralized main stage:
23 Becky Downey
25 Molly Early
26 Kemper Dadisman, Philipa Effah
27 Cathy Teeter
28 Kendall Ruliffson
THIS 9 AM Sunday School
SUNDAY 10 AM Worship Service & Welcoming of New Members
11:15 AM The Fastest Gospel Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)
1:30 PM Worship at White Birch Communities
7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in
WED 10 AM Prayer Team (Library)
6 PM Handbell Practice
7 PM Choir Practice
SAT 8:30 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
NEXT 9 AM Sunday School
SUNDAY 10 AM Worship service
11:15 AM Mark: The Fastest Gospel (Fellowship Hall)
7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in
Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
219 N Main Street
Bridgewater, VA 22812
Copyright 2025. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.