Bridgewater UMC E-Blast - Friday, March 14, 2025
Please continue to share the good news that our worship time is at 10 AM. Keep inviting friends & neighbors to Sunday School at 9 AM & joyful, meaningful worship at 10 AM!
This Sunday - March 16th -
Everyone is invited to wear GREEN in honor of St Patrick (and for fun)!
9 AM - Intergenerational Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall
Come and learn about the Trinity and the story of St. Patrick. Good learning, fellowship, and refreshments will be served. Crafts, too!!
10 AM - Worship - We will begin our Lenten sermon series "Words of Life: Jesus and the Ten Commandments." We will hear special music from the handbell choir based on "Be Still My Soul" UMH 534.
11:15 AM - New Bible Study Opportunity! MARK: The Fastest Gospel - Rev. Jim Tongue will be leading a Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark starting THIS Sunday (March 16th). It will be held in the Fellowship Hall for one-half hour every Sunday 11:15 - 11:45 AM. One of Mark's favorite words is "Immediately," so the Bible Study will start "immediately after worship" and continue for 6 weeks through the season of Lent. No sign up needed, just join us. If you want to "read ahead" read through Mark's Gospel in your Bible.
Next Sunday, March 23rd - We will continue our Lenten Sermon Series, "Words of Life: Jesus and the Ten Commandments" and we will receive new members into our congregation: Joey Capuano, Casey Hartman, and Claude Martell. Please lift them UP in prayer!
Let's grow together in 2025! Blessings, Pastor Mary
We are planning another Men's Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 29, at 8:30 AM. We will have a guest speaker. If you want to participate you can sign up online, in the office, or by calling or emailing the office at 540-828-0890 or
Big News!
Our elevator has been repaired and is working!
Joys and answered prayers
Marriage of Michael and Samantha Palmer in Florida 3/15
birth of Carter Rose Campbell, Dwight Campbell's granddaughter in Colorado
Thanksgiving for our youth group and the Shrove Tuesday dinner
Thanksgiving for the elevator being fixed
Thank you God for the love of Jesus, our church, our family and our friends
We give thanks for God's grace and mercy
Prayers of sympathy for the family of:
Mark Lotts
Kim Miller's brother
Current Prayer Concerns
For the people affected by natural disasters - the CA, SC, NC fires, hurricane floods in NC and other states, ice and snow storms.
For our nation, the decisions of the new administration, congress and the courts; and may God bless America
For peace in Ukraine and the Middle East and for all of the people living there
May there be peace on earth, and may it begin with us
For Bridgewater UMC - for growth in spirit and faith
For all of the active duty members of our armed forces, for veterans and for our first responders
Our children and grandchildren and our families and friends
For college, high school, middle school and elementary students - for their learning and grades
For better health and more strength. For successful medical treatments
For patience. For strength to spread the gospel even when it's hard
Help us to put God first in everything we do
Those who think that God has deserted them in the midst of today's world circumstances
For people and families dealing with depression and anxiety, with mental illness and with addiction
For less death in our family, for peace and grace in facing grief and loss
Bridgewater firefighter
those who are mourning or afraid and for all those fighting cancer
Tracey Casteel
Janice Harper
Gregg Kiracofe
Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation
Georgia Lee Byerly
Don Capuano
Grace Fishback
Joanne Fisher
Betty Foley
Mary Glover
Henry and Dorice Graham
Rodney Hildebrand
Deidra Hill
Barbara Kiracofe
Dorothy Lion
Doris MacDaniel
Shirley Michael
Luther Ramsey
Cheryl Reiman
Joanne Simpkins
Bonnie Snook
Sandra Stroud
Vic Taylor
Nancy Thomas
Gary and Marcia Tyeryar
Donald Usry
Worship Volunteers for this Sunday, February 23 (4th Sun)
Greeters Rod & Gloria Hildebrand
Ushers Higgs Family
Reader Gloria Hildebrand
Audio-Visual Mark Kipps
Acolytes Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson
Sanctuary Servers Laura & Tony Mancari
Seasonal Choir Opportunities
Easter Season Choir & Children's Choir
Easter Seasonal Choir Opportunity - Join us! The Sanctuary Choir invites you to join us for a seasonal Easter Choir. This choir will rehearse on Wednesday, March 19, 26, April 2, 9 and 16 at 7 pm and sing on April 20 at the Easter Service at 10 am. The Adult Bell Choir will be joining the Easter Choir to celebrate the Good New that Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed!
Children's Choir for Palm Sunday The children and the Sanctuary Choir will be singing for the Palm Sunday Service on April 13 at 10 am
Dear Parents and Teens,
I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your participation in our March 9th Youth Sunday Service at Bridgewater UMC. It was truly a blessing to see our youth step up in faith, lead with confidence, and glorify God through their service.
To our teens—your dedication, enthusiasm, and willingness to serve were inspiring. From worship to scripture reading, prayers, and sharing the message, you demonstrated the heart of our ministry. Your leadership is making a difference!
To our parents—thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers. Your investment in your children’s spiritual growth is evident, and we couldn’t do this without you.
Let’s keep the momentum going! I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming youth gatherings as we continue growing together in faith.
Zoom Check-in Every Sunday at 7 PM
Don't forget our check-in Sunday evenings at 7 PM. Contact Jomo if you need the link!
Blessings, Jomo Johnson (240) 328-5847
Hi, BUMC kiddos, friends, and families!
Thank you to everyone who will be participating in and helping out with our intergenerational Sunday School Lesson on the Holy Trinity with Saint Patrick on Sunday! We will have more fun than we would have with finding a pot of gold! Have a Blessed and happy Saint Patrick’s Day with your friends and family - remember to wear green!    
April - An AWESOME month!
1.) Sun, April 13 Palm Sunday Service The children will be participating in the palm Procession and singing with the adult choir with songs where we can proclaim Hosanna!
2.) Also Sun, April 13 - Easter Egg Hunt & BUMC Community Potluck Dinner at Oakdale Park - At 4:00 PM on Palm Sunday afternoon, all children are invited to Oakdale Park (shelter # TBD) for a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt! The DUMBUM Youth Group will be hiding these goodies, so we know there will be good hiding places! - At 5:00 PM, following the Easter Egg Hunt (shelter #3), all BUMC community members, friends, and family are invited to our Pre - Easter Potluck Dinner. This will be such a fun way to start out our spring break for Rockingham County Public School kiddos and families, and we just want a way to celebrate Easter together. this way, families can celebrate Easter as a Church and then be free to travel and / or celebrate the actual Easter weekend in their own ways. We will invite all community members to bring a dish / food / beverage item to share!
May: Sunday, May 11: Mother's Day Service
- Be on the lookout for plans for our Mother's Day Service, where children will get to play an important role, including in Music!
As Pastor Mary always says, GOD IS GOOD! Lets continue to share THIS MOST AWESOME TRUTH with all the world!
If you would like any additional information about things, contact Joey via email at, by phone at (540) 421-4169, or through our Group Me app. You can also ask to be included in our Group Me app if you aren't already!
As always, your friend in Faith, Hope, and Love, Joey
As a Christian nonprofit organization, Feed My Starving Children ( is called to feed God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. Register to join us at Eastern Mennonite University & help provide over 100,000 meals to feed children facing severe food insecurity around the world. What: FMSC Tacos 4 Life Meal Pack When: March 21 & 22, 2025 (Choose from multiple packing sessions) Where: Eastern Mennonite University – University Commons 1307 Park Road Harrisonburg, VA Volunteer Registration Link: Pack at EMU
Since our founding in 1987, FMSC , a Christian, non-profit, has provided over 4.4 Billion meals to feed children around the world. Every year across the US, over 1 million FMSC volunteers ages 5 and up save lives by packing nutritious meals of rice, soy, vitamins and vegetables for children suffering from malnutrition. This year we will pack and ship 400+ million meals. However, due to conflicts and climate issues such as drought & flooding, our mission partners in over 100 countries are reporting a need for 600 million meals. Our MobilePack program brings everything necessary to pack 100,000 or more meals over a 2-day weekend. For this event about 500 volunteers are needed pack meals in 2-hour fun & music filled sessions while learning about how the food they pack will change lives in places all around the world. It’s definitely the most fun you’ll ever have in a hairnet!
Faithfully Embracing Autism featuring Alexandra Jackman Join Faithfully Embracing Autism on Saturday, April 5, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Calvary Stuarts Draft. This special event will feature Alexandra Jackman, a passionate advocate and public speaker, in a TED Talk-style conversation with Shannon White, a local adult with autism and a graduate of Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center. The discussion will be followed by a keynote presentation on how churches, communities, and workplaces can more faithfully embrace and honor individuals with autism. At the heart of Alexandra’s message is this powerful belief: people are worth it. As a church, we share that belief and are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive community for everyone. This event will offer meaningful insights and practical ways we can continue that mission together.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, April 5
Time: 8 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Location: Calvary Stuarts Draft If you need assistance with registration, contact Robin Barge at or 540-989-3335.
Chordially Yours of the Shenandoah Valley, a 30-member professional choir under the direction of artistic director Scott Zane Smith, presents their spring concert, “It’s a Lovely Day” on Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-11, at Linville Creek Church of the Brethren in Broadway. Our one-hour concert consists of sacred and secular music, with many familiar tunes. We will also be featuring guest artists Leslie Bradley Alger Celebrate Mother’s Day with us! Saturday, May 10 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 11 at 3 p.m. For more information, find us on Facebook, @ Chordially Yours of the Shenandoah Valley.
The Acton Children's Business Fair is on Saturday May 17th at 9 AM - 1PM at Milmont Greenhouses in Waynesboro. This is a great opportunity for kids (ages 6-14) to create a product, develop a brand, and experience being an entrepreneur for a day. Attendees can support young entrepreneurs and find unique gifts at this open-air market. The event is free. For further information brochures are available under the BUMC Kids bulletin board.
Relay For Life of the American Cancer Society is coming up. Funds raised support cancer research and services for patients with cancer and their loved ones. This year's theme for our local Relay For Life is Carnival for a Cure. For more information about what Relay For Life is and how you can get involved contact Robin in the office.
The biggest fundraiser for our Relay For Life is the Live Auction. It happens earlier in the day prior to the Relay event.
17 D. L. (Dick) Boyd
18 JoAnn Fisher
19 David Kipps, Corbin Hess, Neal Snoddy, Gracen Kelley
20 Betsy Early
21 Dan Plecker, Scott Ridder
THIS 9 AM Sunday School
SUNDAY 10 AM Worship Service
11:15 AM The Fastest Gospel Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)
7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in
MON 2 PM UWF Circle of Hope (New Beginnings)
6:30 PM UWF Circle of Love (Fellowship Hall)
7 PM UWF Circle of Faith (Members' Homes)
TUES 11 AM The Disciple's Path Bible Study (Library)
WED 10 AM Prayer Team (Library)
12 PM Soup & You (Fellowship Hall)
6 PM Handbell Practice
7 PM Choir Practice
THURS 5:30 PM Staff Dinner Out (Sakura)
NEXT 9 AM Sunday School
SUNDAY 10 AM Worship service
11:15 AM Mark: The Fastest Gospel (Fellowship Hall)
1:30 PM Worship at White Birch Communities
7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in
Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
219 N Main Street
Bridgewater, VA 22812
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