Now hiring!  Two positions:

1) Director of Youth Ministries

2) Children's Ministries Coordinator

 Director of Youth Ministries at Dayton and Bridgewater UMC

(Combined Youth Group DUBUM)

Job Description (Updated 5/30/2024)

STATUS: Part-time

HOURS: 25 Hours per week

SALARY: $10,400/year per church or $20,800/year total

Summary: Dayton United Methodist Church (DUMC) and Bridgewater United Methodist Church (BUMC) are seeking a Director of Youth Ministries (DYM) for their combined Youth Group referred to as DUMBUM.


The Director of Youth Ministries (DYM) reports to the Senior Pastors at DUMC and BUMC for spiritual and ministry guidance. The Senior Pastors, in cooperation with the DUMBUM Youth Ministry Team (YMT), which includes the chair of each Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) will provide an annual evaluation of the DYM’s performance. The DYM will be responsible and subject to United Methodist polity and doctrine, informed by the United Methodist Guidelines for Youth Ministries, local church policy as determined by the Charge Conference, Pastors, and Staff Parish Relations Committees.  The DYM will work with the DUMBUM YMT to plan and implement the program and events for the youth. Youth Ministries for the DUMBUM is for 6th through 12th grade.

The primary tasks of the DYM is to:

  • Manage a comprehensive program of Christian Spiritual Formation for the youth at DUMC and BUMC (DUMBUM). This position provides the framework for building a firm foundation for our youth though youth group, retreats, mission trips, fellowship and other activities.
  • Be an advocate for the youth and educate the congregation about the hopes, concerns and need of youth in the local church and community.
  • Love the youth where they are and develop a connectional relationship with each of them
  • Encourage youth in developing their relationship to God as well as provide the youth with opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and social growth
  • Challenge youth to respond to God’s call to serve in their communities and world

Duties include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Plan and coordinate at least 2 monthly events  
    • 1 fun event
    • 1 ministry-related event
  • Plan and coordinate Summer Youth Mission Trip
  • Plan and coordinate DUMBUM Fundraisers    
    • BUMC's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
    • DUMC's Dayton Days Soup Booth 
    • DUMBUM Youth's Trivia Night
  • Plan and coordinate Youth Sunday 
    • Components of the Service
    • Bulletins
    • Slides for the services
    • Senior Slides
    • Senior Gifts
  • Birthday cards for each youth
  • Communicating with the Youth and Parents and Congregations
    • Weekly Emails/Newsday Tuesdays
    • Weekly bulletins and E-blasts for each church
    • Texting reminders
    • Create and Manage Sign-up sheets
    • Manage Chaperones
  • Keep liability forms up to date as much as possible.
  • Ensure that the Children/Youth Protection Policy is observed in all youth ministry settings.
  • Become instructed on the driving of the church buses for youth outings
  • Develop and manage the DUMBUM budget and the expenses with the guidance of the YMT
  • Attend church services at both BUMC and DUMC on a rotation basis
  • Update the Pastors, Youth Ministry Team, and SPRCs, and attend Church Council for each church if possible or submit a report.

Hours and Expectations:

The Director of Youth Ministries are set at 25 hrs/week (with each church paying for 12.5 hrs/week), but the hours are flexible based on the planning and scheduling that is required to meet the needs of the program. The DYM needs be available for weekend events, evening events as well as holidays. Some weeks may consist of fewer hours, but some weeks may consist of more hours especially the weeks including:

  • The 2 weeks or so leading up to Youth Sunday
  • The 2 weeks or so leading up to any fundraiser
  • The 2 weeks or so leading up to the lock-in or any other over-night
  • The week before and the week of the Mission Trip


  • The ideal candidate will have a personal commitment to Christ, a love of youth and must embrace Christian discipline and United Methodist doctrine and theology.
  • Candidate should have a passion to create a positive, nurturing, educational and spiritual environment by assuming a role of Christian leadership while functioning as part of a larger church team.
  • Candidate should possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, conflict management skills, and computer skills (including Microsoft Word, Power Point, Google Docs and various forms of Social Media).
  • Attention to detail and thoroughness in regards to long term and short term planning.
  • A bachelor’s degree is preferred and/or Professional Certification in Youth Ministry in the United Methodist Church is desired.
  • Experience in Youth Ministry programs is desired.
  • Must submit to and result a background check that meets the requirements as defined by the DUMBUM Youth Ministries team.
  • Clean driving record with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) as well as be willing to submit the proper paperwork for DMV authorization.

All interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Bridgewater UMC Attn: DUMBUM at 219 N. Main Street Bridgewater, VA 22812 or to


Childrens Cordinator

Bridgewater UMC seeks a Director of Children’s Ministry (part-time). The candidate is responsible for serving the church with growing and envisioning a comprehensive program (spiritual formation, Christian education, nurturing discipleship and mission) for children preK-5th grade). Click HERE for the full job description. 

All interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Bridgewater UMC Attn: SPRC at 219 N. Main Street Bridgewater, VA 22812 or to