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BUMC Mini-Blast (2.24.2025)
Men's Prayer Breakfast
*This* Saturday

Hello Everyone, 

Here are just a quick reminder about our Men's Prayer Breakfast this Saturday, March 1st at 8:30 AM.  Our guest speaker will be Rev. Doug Forrester.  Doug serves at the Mountain Valley District Superintendent (Staunton & Roanoke areas). Doug who has inspired me since I have known him (which has been a while!).  He always gives me something to think about!  His topic will be "New & Creative Ways to Reach Out to Your Community in Mission."

We're going to cook for you this time!  Breakfast is free, donations accepted to help with costs (and future projects?).  Please come and invite a friend.

RSVP!  Let us know you are coming by calling or sending an email to the office or signing up on our website (go to Men's Ministry and click on the event link!) 

Hope to see you there!   Pastor Mary

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

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