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E-Blast Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sunday's Worship Service is @ 10 AM
Sunday School is @ 9 AM 

A Prayer for the People of Western North Carolina

(and all those affected by the most recent storms)

by Bishop Ken Carter

A Prayer for the People of Western North Carolina

O God, we place our trust in you.

As the wind and rain has passed through the mountains
 of Western North Carolina, we name before you
those whose lives have been devastated.
We especially remember those who have lost so much,
those with the fewest options, the most vulnerable. 

Draw near to those who are the most exposed, 
the most frightened, the most overwhelmed.
Hold space for a stillness and a peace even in the midst of the storm. 

O God, we place our trust in you.  

In the aftermath of ravaging wind and surging flood, 
inspire those who give themselves for others.
Let that work be done justly, wisely, safely, generously.
Help us to turn toward one another in our need.
Strengthen our bonds of connection and love for each other. 

O God, we place our trust in you, 
and we say these words in the strong name of Jesus. 

In Christ, 

+Ken Carter
Resident Bishop, Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church 


Reprinted from the website for the Western North Carolina Conference UMC at

Worship Notes

Please continue to share the good news that worship time is at 10 AM and invite friends and neighbors to Sunday School at 9 AM and joyful meaningful worship at 10 AM! 


Quick Note - Jesus Saves, but Tithely was having trouble this afternoon!  Yes, I was still working on the Blast this afternoon and Tithely ATE it... (meaning a "server error occurred" that didn't save my changes) so... it's late coming to you, but I still hope it's helpful.  I think it will be!  -- MKD


THIS SUNDAY is World Communion Sunday!  It is a day when we are mindful that we worship with others from around the world.  We are fortunate that we live in an area where those around us are either from other nations of the world or have many experiences with travel for a global perspective.  It is a wonderful blessing to have our BC students from Ghana and many other places worshiping with us!  Every Sunday, Holy Communion is celebrated throughout the world by many nations, in many languages, with many traditions united by one faith in Jesus Christ.      


We need your help for special Sundays in November! 


All Saints Sunday is the first Sunday in November.  If you have a family member who has passed away in the last year (since Nov 1, 2023) and you would like for them to be remembered in our All Saints service, please let the office know (  You can also put the person's name in the offering plate.  Thank you!  


We will recognize our Veterans and Active Duty Military on Sunday, November 10th.  If someone in your family is a Veteran (living or deceased) or is currently serving our military, please give us their name, branch of service, and a picture that we can use in worship!  


We are praying that all of the events and activities will be uplifting to you, your family, friends, and our community as we together lift Jesus high and spread his name and his love to all that we meet.  


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

Cheryl Reiman, Tommy Jenkins and Drew Davis have recovered from COVID
BUMC folks' trip with Harvest of Hope (Society of St. Andrew) to Lynchburg


We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:

Stan Willbarger


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace and civility in our country and in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters especially Hurricane Helene, for those rescuing and helping others, for all who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.  Students and staff at Harrisonburg, Rocktown, Luray (threats)

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces, military veterans and for our first responders.

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental illness and addiction


Beverly       (Henry and Dorice Graham's daughter)

Kay See     (Crystal Curry's cousin)

Sam Martin  (Laura Mancari's nephew)

Adam Johnson   (John Johnson's brother)

places damaged by the hurricane

Ryan Kiracofe

David Kite    (friend Rhonda Johnson)

Alice Hedges    (Mary's friend)

Ruth Brown   (Sam Teter's mother)


Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Danielle Bennington

Harold Burkholder

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry and Dorice Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Deidra Hill

Bob Holden

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther Ramsey

Joanne Simpkins

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, September 29


B.J. Jenkins & Bettye Newman



Paul McFarland & Ed Craun



Shadrach Baako-Amponsah

Audio Visual

Tony Mancari



David Kipps & Ethan Kipps


Sanctuary Servers

Sue Rexrode

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! 

During the month of October the SPRC is sponsoring a card shower for Pastor Mary. Please take the time to send her a card, drop her a note off at in the church office or express your thanks in whatever way you choose. We thank Pastor Mary for all that she does for us!



The Annual UWF Salad Supper will be held on Mon, Oct 21 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  All women of the church & guests are invited to bring a salad or dish to share.  Its an evening of good fellowship, good food, & door prizes.  Our speakers will be Paula Ford & associates of Kingsway Ministries. They will talk about their everyday work & the Apple Tree Project, which we support at Christmas.


More information is coming about the donations we can supplyso save the date. 


~ The Circle of Love

Adopt a Bushel for Society of St. Andrew!

Apples   $23

Bananas   $36

Bell Pepper   $15

Cucumber   $43

Garlic   $4

Green Beans   $54

Mangoes   $9

Mushrooms   $9

Onions   $31

Oranges   $54

Pears   $32

Plums   $23

Potatoes   $9

Strawberries   $44

Sweet Corn   $36

Tomatoes   $36

Adopt a bushel of fruits and vegetables for Society of St. Andrew!  Any donations are appreciated.  Mixed and multiple bushels welcome!  Please make the check payable to BUMC with SOSA Adopt a Bushel in the comment line.  (You can also make a donation electronically through the Tithely app.)

Thanks to everyone who has donated items for Operation Christmas Child boxes so far.  We are nearly there to our 100 each of school and hygiene items.  For those, we still need
10 pairs of scissors                           18 toothbrushes
15 bars of soap                                  62 combs
Our October donations will be toys.  We need lots and lots and lots of toys to help fill these boxes.  Examples include small stuffed animals, matchbox cars, balls, games, jump ropes, coloring books, puzzles, stickers, pretty hair things for girls, building blocks, craft kits, etc.  Dollar Tree has a great selection of the type of items great for the boxes.
Mark your calendars for these two special dates!
          October 27 after church - OCC Shipping Fundraiser - hope to see everyone there
          November 9 - OCC Packing Party, 9-12 with pizza lunch - everyone is invited
More info to come on these two fun events!

Thank you to everyone who came out for the Talent Show and Stand Up Comedy night at Dayton this week!  The performances were amazing!


Thank you to EVERYONE who provided soup and helped make Dayton Days a huge success!  More reports to come!


Next meeting, Friday, October 18th


Lets go together to see some football!  Turner Ashby will play East Rockingham at TAHS!  Game time is 7:00 PM.  Lets all come out and cheer for the game, the band, and support Laney Steele from DUMC.  Transportation provided! 


Grace & Peace, Jomo

(240) 328-5897


**Youth: Don't forget our zoom check-in Sundays at 7:00 PM!**

Sunday, October 13: Potato Bar Dinner @5 PM & Cider & S'mores @ 6 PM

(Please note the date change!)


Before the Church Cider & S'mores, kids and family are invited to come to a baked potato bar dinner in the Fellowship Hall! Kiddos will get to help serve family members at our baked potato bar, and then enjoy the meal themselves! Then, everyone is invited to go out and enjoy Cider & S'mores!


Sunday, October 26 2 - 4 PM: Bridgewater Community Halloween @ Oakdale Park


The Children's Ministry Team and Pastor Mary will be teaming up to wear costumes and host a table where we can pass out candy to community members! Our kiddos can walk around the track to get candy and then help pass some out at our table if they want!


Looking ahead to our Children's Program for Christmas!


We will be having our Children's Christmas Program as part of a Service for a Sunday in Advent. We will rehearse with the kiddos during the Sunday School hour for a few of the weeks in November and early December, leading up to Christmas. More details are coming!


Thank you, and may God bless us, everyone!  Joey

Hope Distributed Open House

I wanted to invite you and your church members to one of two Open House opportunities at Hope Distributed. They are Tuesday October 15 and Wednesday October 16 from 9am - 1pm. These are drop in opportunities, but we will be giving tours of the food pantry as well as the clothing/Baby Hope warehouse and the Clothing Store. 


This October we are celebrating 20 years of Hope Distributed and the immense impact this organization has made on those who live in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.  It is a great opportunity to see the size and scale of what our small staff and selfless volunteer army accomplish every week. 


It is also a chance to dream with us and cast a vision for continuing to serve those in need in our community for another 20 years and beyond. Please prayerfully consider carving out some time in your already busy schedule to attend and see what the Lord has done!


Speak Life,  Jeff Wilhelm, Executive Director, Hope Distributed, CDC

1869 Boyers Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
October 6 - 12, 2024

Happy Birthday to:


6 - Mitzie Puffenbarger, Sara Reiman


10 - John McDorman


12 - Eileen Phillips


Happy 50th Anniversary (!!!) 


5 - Gregg & Barbara Kiracofe


One final shot.... Harvest of Hope

Mark & Christy Kipps, David & Ethan along with Rhonda Johnson went on a mission trip to Harvest of Hope (sponsored by Society of St. Andrew) in Lynchburg.  They had a wonderful time and will share about their trip on Sunday, October 6th.  

Our Calendar September 29 - October 6

**Please Note our Worship time is now 10 AM**

TODAY          9 AM Sunday School for All Ages

                      10 AM Worship

                      7 PM Youth Zoom Call


MON               Ruritan Club (Fellowship Hall)


TUE                3:30 PM Staff Meeting (Library)

                          5:30 PM Worship Committee (New Beginnings)


WED               9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

                       6 PM Handbell Practice

                       7 PM Choir Rehearsal


THUR             Office Closed - Pastor Mary Away @

                       Clergy Day Apart at Floris UMC, Herndon


NEXT SUN     9 AM Sunday School for All Ages

                      10 AM Worship

                      5:00 PM Childrens Potato Bar (Fellowship Hall)

                      6:00 PM Cider n Smores (Front Lawn)

                      7 PM Youth Zoom Call


Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

Copyright 2024. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.