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E-Blast Friday, August 30, 2024

Sunday's Worship Service is @ 10 AM
Sunday School is @ 9 AM 

Devotion From Jomo Johnson

Our New DUMBUM Youth Director

Verse of the Week: "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant. Matthew 20:26 (ESV)

Reflection:  In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, its easy to get caught up in our own concerns and desires. However, Jesus calls us to a different path--a path of service and humility. True greatness in Gods kingdom is not measured by power or status but by our willingness to serve others selflessly. And honestly, true heartfelt service is one of the greatest ways to experience deep abiding joy, no matter what the circumstance. 

When we participate in activities that benefit others, like helping out in our community or joining in church events, we are embodying Christs example. Every small act of kindness and service reflects His love and brings His kingdom a little closer to earth. And most importantly, we are being empowered by Christ as we pour ourselves out for the sake of others.

Prayer:  Lord, we thank You for the opportunities You give us to serve others and make a difference. Help us to follow Jesus' example by putting others needs before our own. Open our hearts to see where we can be of service this week, and give us the courage to act with love and humility. May our lives reflect Your grace and compassion. Amen.

Weekly Challenge:  This week, lets look for simple ways to serve those around us. It might be helping a friend, volunteering in a community project, or simply being kind in our daily interactions. Share via email to ( how you've seen God working through these acts of service.

Lets commit to following Christs example and make a positive impact in our world. If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out.

Blessings, Jomo

Thank you & Announcements from Pastor Mary


Hello everyone!  Happy Friday!  Grace and Peace!


September Worship will be at 10 AM 


The first (and probably most important) news is that our Church Council voted on a recommendation from the Worship Committee to extend our 10 AM worship time through September.  The comments the Worship Committee received were very positive about the 10 AM worship time.  We feel we should continue the trial into September to let everyone get back from summer vacations and back to their regular routines.  We are still taking your comments... (see next)


Receiving Your Comments on Worship! 


The Worship Committee is seeking your comments, suggestions, joys, concerns, questions about worship.  There are cards available in worship or just write down your comments.  Put the cards in the offering plate, a basket near the Sanctuary, or drop them off in the office.  We will also take email and text.  There will not be a "form" just let us know what you think.  Comments should be directed to the Worship Committee, Carolyn Van Dyck, Chair.   


**THANK YOU** for the wonderful LUNCHEON Last Sunday


Thank you to everyone who made our luncheon last Sunday a SUCCESS!  i saw many people bringing in desserts and food and I understand the women gathered Saturday night to make sandwiches and set up.  It was a great time of celebrating together and good food!  We raised $3,662 for our Painting Project!  Thank you also for welcoming Jomo Johnson, our new Youth Director and his wife Sharon.  (And, yes, I loved the sunflowers!)


This Sunday, September 1st, we will welcome Rev. Jim Harris as our guest speaker!  He will deliver the message in worship and also lead Holy Communion. We will begin a sermon series on Nehemiah, with "First, The Foundation." I will be out of town for the weekend and will return to the office on Tuesday.  


Next Sunday, September 8th, will be our First Responder Sunday and 9/11 Remembrance. We have invited members of the Bridgewater Police, Fire, Rescue Squad, and Bridgewater Campus Police to join us in worship.  We have a special gift for them as well. 


We are praying that all of the events and activities will be uplifting to you, your family, friends, and our community as we together lift Jesus high and spread his name and his love to all that we meet.  


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

For the birth of Maisie Sloane Davis 8/23/24 to Emily and Spenser Davis (DR and Katrina Davis grandparents

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar moved to BRC Assisted Living this week  (room 236)

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace and civility in our country and in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, storms and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.  New teachers and staff at Rocktown HS.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer and for those on summer vacations

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction


For healing and grace for families who are struggling or estranged

Erin, Stephen and Jace Davidson in their move to Kansas

Lisa Forbes  (friend of Noah)

Linda Looney - recovery from fall   (friend of Sharon Coakley and others)

Mary Turner's grand-daughter   (friend of Sharon Coakley)



Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Danielle Bennington

Harold Burkholder

Karen Chamblee

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry and Dorice Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Deidra Hill

Bob Holden

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther Ramsey

Karen Ridder

Scott Ridder

Joanne Simpkins

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, September 1


B.J. Jenkins & Bettye Newman



Chuck & Dawn Kern



Christy Kipps

Audio Visual

Scott Ridder



Nolan Gilkeson & David Kipps


Sanctuary Servers

Laura & Tony Mancari

Clothes Closet Update

The BUMC team had a busy night at the Clothes Closet on Tuesday, August 20th serving 27 families/78 children. 7 of the families were brand new to the Closet. As the weather is beginning to change, we will be switching over to our Fall/Winter clothing. As you (or a family member/friend) begin to clean out closets keep the children at the Closet in mind. We are always needing clothing from infant sizes to teens for boys and girls. This time of year jeans and sweatshirts are especially a hit. There is a red hamper in the lower staircase where you can put your donations. We are always in need of socks and underwear as well - especially for the boys.  There is a pink tub in the main hallway for these. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry as we share the love of Christ. One mom remarked last night that she could not thank us enough for all that we do! 


- Dawn Kern and the BUMC team 

OCC Collection for September

Thanks so much to our congregation for supplying school supplies for our OCC boxes this year.  We made our goal of 100 of each item!


In September, we will concentrate on the hygiene items that go into our boxes for children.  We need:

              53 bars of soap

               63 combs

               72 toothbrushes

               74 toothbrush holders

               86 soap holders

               78 washcloths

              100 pairs of socks - various kinds, colors, boy or girl


We appreciate your support of this important church project!

GREETINGS:  Sharon and I wanted to say thanks to the entire church for the warm welcome, great food, and kind words. Thanks for everything. 


Remember our devotion and schedule guide. (Parents are encouraged to use this guide with students daily if you don't have a devotion plan. It only takes about 5 minutes, and reminds teens of the weekly challenges.)




Potential Retreat Opportunities For Youth.


There are two potential weekend retreat opportunities for teens and parents that are interested: 


1. Sept 27-29th. (See Website Link HereHarvest of Hope is a faith-based program offering hands-on service and learning experiences focused on fighting hunger. Participants engage in gleaning (collecting leftover produce) each morning and explore hunger issues in the evenings. The program also includes Bible study and worship to foster Christian community and commitment to ending hunger. It is designed for middle and high school students, intergenerational groups, and college students. Cost is $150 or $75 for teens with a scholarship. If interested, please contact myself or Rhonda Johnson at


 2. Nov 22-24th, Youth Group UMC Retreat: (See Website Link Here

Held in Buckingham, VA, the retreat is open to all youth (6th-12th grade). The retreat will include time for worship, recreation, and sessions in a Leadership Track which each participant will choose.  These tracks will offer hands-on learning experiences based on participants' interests and gifts; participants will leave with tools they can use as leaders in ministry in their local communities and churches. Please contact me if you are interested.  Cost:  $150 per person *Price increases to $165.00 after September 22, 2024* (pre-order t-shirt offered for additional $10)
Deadline: October 22, 2024


Upcoming Birthdays or Sports Events.  If you know any teens with any upcoming birthday, special sports or school events that we can celebrate or support. Please reply back with the student name: event and date. 


Thank you all again. I will be in the office on Thursdays, so please let me know if you would like to meet, have coffee, zoom call, or learn more about volunteering with youth.


Thanks, Jomo (240) 328-5847

Youth Group Volunteers Needed

Hey everyone, Were looking for some awesome adults to join our DUMBUM Youth Ministry Team and help lead our bi-weekly Thursday Youth Group meetings and Sunday evening Teen Zoom Call. Whether you've got tons of experience or are brand new to youth ministry, wed love to have you on board!

What's Involved?
- Thursday Youth Group (Bi-Weekly): We meet every other Thursday, and we need some extra hands to help make these nights fun, engaging, and meaningful for our teens. Training is provided, and having fun is mandatory!
Sunday Teen Zoom Call (7 PM): Starting on the 29th, were launching a 15-minute weekly check-in and devotion on Zoom for teens who cant join us in person. Ill be hosting the first few calls, but I'm looking for volunteers to help facilitate. The goal is to eventually pass this off to a teen leader, but we need some adults to help kick it off.

If you're passionate about investing in the next generation and want to make a difference in the lives of our teens, wed love to have you join us. Even if you can only commit to one of these events, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Please reach out to me if you're interested or have any questions.

Join Us for the Sunday Night Teen Zoom Call!

Hey Teens,

We are excited to connect with you every Sunday night at 7 PM EST for a quick 15 minute check-in, some gratitude sharing, and a moment of prayer. It's a great way to start your week off right!  Ages 12-18 are welcome. Just scan the QR code to join.


Hosted by Youth Ministry Team (YMT) Adults

Backpack Ministry is Gearing Up for Another Year

BUMCs Backpack Ministry is gearing up for another year of service, and we need your help!  This ministry makes a direct impact on the lives of children in our local schools.  Each week, our team shops, packs, and delivers nearly 50 bags of groceries to students whose access to food on weekends is otherwise scarce.  We are requesting monetary and food donations, as well as new and eager volunteers to join our team!  Please prayerfully consider a contribution to help sustain this outreach to our schools.  


To donate, make checks payable to Bridgewater United Women in Faith with Backpack Ministry listed on the memo.  Food items needed (must be individually packaged) include: chicken noodle soup cans

vegetable soup cans

applesauce cups

fruit cups

popular brand cereals

granola bars

nutri-grain bars

jello snack packs

pudding cups


juice boxes

microwavable kraft mac & cheese cups

microwave popcorn. 


Please reach out to Jessi ( and Stephanie ( to coordinate donations or to join our amazing volunteer team!  Thank you for your consideration.

Hi, kiddos and family! Joey here! Thank you for joining and welcoming me to our Children's Ministry! I just wanted to share what is coming up for us!


Sunday, September 22, 11 AM:  Fall Art & Pizza

11:00 am - 12:00 pm, fall art, cards, and Dominos Pizza!  


Come out as we make fall posters to decorate our Church, make cards for people on our Prayer List, and eat some Dominos Pizza together!


Saturday, October 12: Potato Bar Dinner & Cider & S'mores


Before the Church Cider & S'mores event, kids and family are invited to come to a baked potato bar dinner in the Fellowship Hall! Kiddos will get to help serve family members at our baked potato bar, and then enjoy the meal themselves! Then, everyone is invited to go out and enjoy Cider & S'mores!


Bridgewater Community Halloween, Sunday afternoon at Oakdale Park: (date TBD)


The Children's Ministry Team and Pastor Mary will be teaming up to wear costumes and host a table where we can pass out candy to community members! Our kiddos can walk around the track to get candy and then help pass some out at our table if they want!


Looking ahead to our Children's Program for Christmas!


We will be having our Children's Christmas Program as part of a Service for a Sunday in Advent. We will rehearse with the kiddos during the Sunday School hour for a few of the weeks in November and early December, leading up to Christmas. More details are coming!


Thank you, and may God bless us, everyone!  Joey

Go Gleaning with Harvest of Hope

September 27-29

Harvest of Hope, part of the Society of St. Andrew, is an opportunity for hands-on service & study event.  The mission trip takes place in Lynchburg September 27 29.  More information available in the breezeway or on the Society of St Andrew website.  Everyone is invited, especially our youth!  For questions, call Rhonda Johnson at 540-421-6603.

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
September 1-7, 2024

Happy Birthday to:


1 - Owen Hardy

1 - Erin Breeden

1 - Jason Gilkeson

2 - Ginger Usry

2 - Daniel Bowman

3 - Doris Waters

3 - Judy Hulvey

3 - Kathi Hemmis

4 - Mary Glover

5 - Seth Davis

5 - Gracie Saum

6 - Denise Snoddy

7 - Faith Long


Our Calendar September 1-8, 2024

**Please Note the time change for Worship & Sunday School in September**


SUN -  Welcome Rev. Jim Harris, our Guest Speaker!

            Communion Sunday

            10 AM Worship time extended through September

            9 AM Sunday School for all ages 


MON     Office Closed - Labor Day


TUE       6:30 PM Valley RC Flying Club (Fellowship Hall)


WED -  9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

             6:00 Handbell Practice

             No Choir Rehearsal (Get ready for Next Week!)


THU      7 PM Bridgewater College Community Connections Fair (BC Campus)


NEXT SUN - First Responder Sunday & 9/11 Remembrance

                      9 AM Sunday School for all ages 

                     10 AM Summer Combined Worship