Joey Capuano lives in Bridgewater with his family (his human and furry family, as is seen here through his picture here of his dog, Beckham!) He loves the outdoors, spending time with his family and friends, and performing and listening to music.
He has been involved in Church Religious Education and Music Ministry programs for more than ten years.
He graduated from James Madison University in 2019 with a degree in Modern Foreign Languages (with a concentration in Spanish and a secondary language in Italian) and minors in Music and Business Spanish. He then earned his Virginia teacher certification through the University of Virginia College at Wise and is currently teaching as an English Language Learning teacher at Montevideo Middle School in Rockingham County.
Joey is highly passionate about Ministry work and Advocacy causes for all people. He has much experience in working with the Immigrant and Refugee / Asylee communities in providing educational and community opportunities and promoting multicultural understanding and respect, and loves this role.
He is so happy to be a member of the Bridgewater United Methodist Church community and looks forward to our future as a congregation in bringing God's Word to all people!
Monday to Thursday 9AM - 2PM
(Closed on Fridays)