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Bridgewater UMC E-Blast - February 28, 2025

Even the Darkness Can Dazzle

A quote by Barbara Brown Taylor

Mark 9: 2 - 13

By way of devotion this week, I would like to share this quote by Barbara Brown Taylor from the Christian Century, 1998. 


Even the Darkness Can Dazzle


To lead our exodus, Jesus had to die like we do: alone, with no particular glory. Otherwise he would have been an anomaly instead of a messiah, and it would have been hard for us to see what he had in common with the rest of us.


As it was, he died very much like those who died on either side of him, one of them begging to be saved from what was coming, the other asking to be remembered when Jesus got where he was going. Jesus could not do anything for the one who wanted to be spared, but he did a great favor for the other. He told him that the darkness was a dazzling one, with paradise in it for both of them.


I think it was something he learned on the mountain, when light burst through all his seams and showed him what he was made of. It was something he never forgot. If we have been allowed to intrude on that moment, it is because someone thought we might need a dose of glory too, to get us through the night. Some people are lucky enough to witness it for themselves, although like Peter, James and John, very few of them will talk about it later.


What the rest of us have are stories like this one, and the chance to decide for ourselves whether we will believe what they tell us. It is a lot to believe: that Gods lit-up life includes death, that there is no way around it but only through, that even the darkness can dazzle.


Barbara Brown Taylor, Dazzling Darkness, article in the Christian Century, February 4-11, 1998, page 1-5


Please continue to share the good news that our worship time is at 10 AM.  Keep inviting friends & neighbors to Sunday School at 9 AM & joyful, meaningful worship at 10 AM! 


This Sunday is Communion Sunday & Transfiguration Sunday!


Wed, March 5th - Ash Wednesday - The Season of Lent begins with an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  Ramona Evans will be playing piano for the service.  This is a time of prayer and reflection as we begin observing the season of Lent.  The season of Lent is the 40-days of preparation for Holy Week and Easter.  It is a time to consider fasting or intentionally "giving up" something in your life or "taking on" a meaningful spiritual practice with the purpose of growing closer to Jesus Christ.


Next Sunday March 9th - YOUTH SUNDAY!  & 1st Sunday in Lent

Our youth will lead us in worship and share their testimonies of what God is doing in their lives. Join us for a meal in the Fellowship Hall right after the service!  We will be having lasagna, salad, bread and desserts! Lunch is by donation, proceeds to support youth missions & ministry.


Let's grow together in 2025!   Blessings, Pastor Mary


The Men's Prayer Breakfast was such a success that we're going to do it again! It will be on Saturday, March 1, at 8:30 AM. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Doug Forrester who will speak on the topic, "New and Creative Ways to Connect to your Community Through Missions." If you want to participate you can sign up online, in the office, or by calling or emailing the office at 540-828-0890 or

Spring Forward Next Sunday, March 9th!

Daylight Savings Time begins next Sunday, March 9. Don't forget to reset your clocks Saturday night, or you may be late to church.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

March 4th from 5-7PM

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming pancake dinner on March 4th 5 PM to 7 PM. This event promises a delightful evening of good food, fellowship, and fun all for a great cause supporting our youth group.


Seasonal Choir Opportunities

Easter Season Choir & Children's Choir

Joys and answered prayers

-Marsha Hildebrand found a new place to live.

-Thank you God for the love of Jesus, our church, our family and our friends

-We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:

Dot Ramsey

Wanda Rhodes

Current Prayer Concerns

Donald Brownlee, Jr.

Henry & Dorice Graham

Janice Harper

Jerry Judy

Gregg Kiracofe

Wilda Long

Pope Francis

Ann Wartham

Donald Usry

For the people affected by natural disasters - the CA fires, hurricane floods in NC and other states, ice and snow storms
For our nation, the decisions of the new administration, the congress and the courts; and may God bless America
For peace in Ukraine and the Middle East and for all of the people living there
May there be peace on earth, and may it begin with us
For Bridgewater UMC - for growth in spirit and faith
For all of the active duty members of our armed forces, for veterans and for our first responders
Our children and grandchildren and our families and friends
For college, high school, middle school and elementary students - for their learning and grades
For better health and more strength.  For successful medical treatments
For patience.  For strength to spread the gospel even when it's hard
Help us to put God first in everything we do
Those who think that God has deserted them in the midst of today's world circumstances
For people and families dealing with depression and anxiety, with mental illness and with addiction
For less death in our family, for peace and grace in facing grief and loss

Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Georgia Lee Byerly

Don Capuano

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Mary Glover

Deidra Hill

Barbara Kiracofe

Dorothy Lion

Doris Mac Daniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther and Dot Ramsey

Joanne Simpkins

Bonnie Snook

Sandra Stroud

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers for this Sunday, February 23 (4th Sun)


Greeters                    B. J. Jenkins & Bettye Newman

Ushers                      Ed Craun & Mark Craun

Reader                      Christy Kipps

Audio-Visual             Tony Mancari

Acolytes                    David Kipps

Sanctuary Servers   Sue Rexrode


Seasonal Choir Opportunities

Easter Season Choir & Children's Choir

Easter Seasonal Choir Opportunity - Join us!
The Sanctuary Choir invites you to join us for a seasonal Easter Choir.  This choir will rehearse on Wednesday, March 19, 26, April 2, 9 and 16 at 7 pm and sing on April 20 at the Easter Service at 10 am.   The Adult Bell Choir will be joining the Easter Choir to celebrate the Good New that Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed!


Children's Choir for Palm Sunday 
The children and the Sanctuary Choir will be singing for the Palm Sunday Service on April 13 at 10 am

Upcoming Youth Service Opportunities & Events!

 Tuesday, March 4 | 5 PM - 7 PM
Shrove Pancake Meal & Fundraiser
Teens are invited to help prepare and serve a Shrove Tuesday pancake meal. Arrive at 5 PM to assist with cooking and setup. All proceeds will go toward youth ministry and missions.


 Youth Church Service/March 9th
Teens are invited to take part in a Youth-Led Service by reading Scripture, sharing a testimony, or helping with the post-church fellowship meal. If interested, please contact


 Zoom Check-in Every Sunday at 7 PM

Don't forget our check-in Sunday evenings at 7 PM.  Contact Jomo if you need the link!


Blessings,  Jomo (240) 328-5847

Hi, BUMC kiddos, friends, and families!


If you would like any additional information about things, contact Joey via email at, by phone at (540) 421-4169, or through our Group Me app. You can also ask to be included in our Group Me app if you aren't already!


March 16th Combined Sunday School - Johnna McFarland, Pastor Mary, and Joey will be planning a Holy Trinity - themed Saint Patrick's Day Inter - Generational Sunday School Class. It's gonna be great & green! 


 April - An AWESOME month!


 1.) Sun, April 13 Palm Sunday Service The children will be participating in the palm Procession and singing with the adult choir with songs where we can proclaim Hosanna! 


 2.) Also Sun, April 13 - Easter Egg Hunt & BUMC Community Potluck Dinner at Oakdale Park - At 4:00 PM on Palm Sunday afternoon, all children are invited to Oakdale Park (shelter # TBD) for a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt! The DUMBUM Youth Group will be hiding these goodies, so we know there will be good hiding places! - At 5:00 PM, following the Easter Egg Hunt (shelter #3), all BUMC community members, friends, and family are invited to our Pre - Easter Potluck Dinner. This will be such a fun way to start out our spring break for Rockingham County Public School kiddos and families, and we just want a way to celebrate Easter together. this way, families can celebrate Easter as a Church and then be free to travel and / or celebrate the actual Easter weekend in their own ways. We will invite all community members to bring a dish / food / beverage item to share! 


May:  Sunday, May 11: Mother's Day Service


- Be on the lookout for plans for our Mother's Day Service, where children will get to play an important role, including in Music!


 As Pastor Mary always says, GOD IS GOOD! Lets continue to share THIS MOST AWESOME TRUTH with all the world! 


 As always, your friend in Faith, Hope, and Love, Joey

Relay For Life of the American Cancer Society is coming up. Funds raised support cancer research and services for patients with cancer and their loved ones. This year's theme for our local Relay For Life is Carnival for a Cure. For more information about what Relay For Life is and how you can get involved contact Robin in the office. 

There is a community Relay For Life meeting on Monday, March 3 at the Harrisonburg  First Church of the Brethren at 315 Dogwood  Drive at 6:30 PM for all interested in learning more.

March Birthdays!

1 Chuck Kern, Ethan Kipps

2 Edward Stoops

4 Paul McFarland

5 Logan Reusser, Kim Joralemon

6 Chad Craun

8 Gary Tyerar, Macey Hess

10 Grace Fishback

11 Letitia Lam

12 Barbara Eanes, Judy Tongue, Lindsay Robinson

13 Christine Harper

14 Hilary Cubbage Perry

17 D. L. (Dick) Boyd

18 JoAnne Fisher

19 David Kipps, Corbin Hess, Neal Snoddy, Gracen Kelley

20 Betsy Early

21 Dan Plecker, Scott Ridder

23 Becky Downey

25 Molly Early

26 Kemper Dadisman, Philipa Effah

27 Cathy Teeter

28 Kendall Ruliffson

30 Janice Harper

Our Calendar This Week

THIS           9 AM Sunday School

SUNDAY    10 AM Worship Service - Transfiguration Sunday!

                   7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in 


MON          6:30 PM Bridgewater Ruritan Club (Fellowship Hall)


TUES         6:30 PM Valley Radio Control Flying Club

                             (New Beginnings)

                   5 PM - 7 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

                             (Fellowship Hall)


WED           Ash Wednesday - the Season of Lent Begins

                   10 AM Prayer Team (Library)

                   12 PM Lunch & Conversation (BRC Blue Ridge Room)

                    7 PM Ash Wednesday Service (Sanctuary)


NEXT         9 AM Sunday School  

SUNDAY    10 AM Worship service - Youth Sunday!

                   11:15 Fellowship Meal (Fellowship Hall)

                   7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

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